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The democrats, Ukrainegate & the truth
It really does matter how you bring a leader down

John Beacham
Dec. 4, 2019

Ukraine interfered (ineffectually) in the 2016 elections. That’s as much of a fact as a fact can be. Way more of a fact than Russian interference in 2016. (More details)

The democrats

It really does matter how a leader is brought down. How a leader is brought down has major consequences. There is a big difference in going after Trump for corruption rather than his many crimes against humanity.

In their anti-Trump campaign, the democrats and the “liberal” media are purposefully trying to mislead all of us and attacking us in a very serious way by branding the truth as a conspiracy theory.

According to them, anyone who believes the truth about the Ukraine intervention in the 2016 presidential election is either to be derided as a right-wing conspiracy nut-job or a stupid left-wing idiot who is only helping Trump and who is a tool in the hands of the enemies of america – all so the democrats can claim to be the owners of reality and the “rational” center in order to win an election and save “america”. That good ‘ole american center where we preserve the “american” way of life.

Where exactly is the american center, anyway? Is it in the middle of racism and those who fight racism, for instance?

Though a lot of real people abstain or position themselves to uphold the center (democrats, republicans, “independents”), the center is mythical, temporary. It never holds. Change is constant. The democrats seek to put their fingers in the dam and cover over all the oppression that comes with class rule. They try to stuff the systemic problems which Trump exemplifies into the amnesia closet with platitudes like “the american dream”.

Well, the dam needs to be burst open. History is not made in the mythical center. The american center, in fact, has no future. And, anyway, more and more people are moving away from the center as is only natural when the center helps create worrying new problems and hand wrings as long enduring ones remain unfixed. The people are moving away from the center as those who seek to manipulate it are thoroughly unable to provide any answers (environmental crisis, white supremacy, etc.).

To the democrats, what’s important is impeaching Trump or defeating Trump at the polls. Everything else is unimportant to them.

Sorry, but our global problems are bigger than Trump, much bigger. The truth, or at least the correct political understanding of the current moment, is absolutely fundamental to us having a basis for acting to intervene and change the course of events for the better.

Getting rid of or opposing Trump using untruths and scare tactics will surely be of no aid to us when what we need is a militant and truly oppositional movement based in the power of workers and oppressed people. Scare tactics have always been directed primarily to stop those who fight for justice. A scare tactic like “the Russians are coming” is meant to stop a people’s opposition to the system and its evils more than it is meant to stop Trump and his kind.

So, any party that is attacking or silencing those who tell the truth about the american system of racism, war and oppression and those who are seeking to change or reform that capitalist system, has to be called out for what they are: the enemy.

The democratic party leadership is an enemy. Not the only enemy, but definitely one of the most powerful enemies of the people the world has ever seen. I mean, how could one of the two parties of empire, the longest existing political party in the world that used to be the party of the KKK, be anything other than an impediment to a cooperative, equitable and sustainable world?

The truth

In 2016, Ukrainian officials and organizations were responsible for leaking financial records that brought down Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian government officials, all the way up to the president, and U.S.-backed Ukrainian organizations with ties to the FBI were working against Trump. Powerful news outlets reported on the intervention as fact in a very sympathetic manner. None of this is secret or hidden.

Influential Ukrainian-americans that were working with the democratic party were open about their attempts to use the Manafort corruption scandal to bring down or injure the Trump campaign.

At the same time, the FBI was using the Manafort information and other information to spy on and interfere with the Trump campaign. None of this is secret or hidden.

Yes, Ukraine interfered in the 2016 presidential election (Yasha Levine, The Grayzone)

The Full Scope of Ukraine’s Impact on the 2016 Election Has Yet to Be Examined (Lev Golinkin, The Nation)

Ukraine and the democrats

One has to ask: Why are the dems using the FBI/Pentagon-inspired Ukraine business as the launching pad to impeachment when it was so likely to lead to strong counterattacks? Don’t they have any better options? Inciting racist violence and rape, maybe? Caging and being responsible for the death of immigrant children, maybe? Climate denying as an existential threat, maybe?

U.S. interference in Ukraine and collusion with Ukrainian reactionaries and oligarchs – which has a long history and includes the 2014 U.S.-backed coup replete with fascists – is a scandal with a thousand scandalous tentacles. The list could go on for quite a while and includes the fact the Trump’s accusations of the Biden family’s corrupt dealings in Ukraine strongly reflect reality.

The democrats have once again exposed themselves as frauds and no friend to working and oppressed people. Again, they couldn’t go after Trump for his white supremacy, blatant and violent sexism, his illegal bombings of Syria or his attacks on Palestinian human rights? They cannot simply stand on justice and equality, on Trump’s many crimes against humanity?

Even from their own point of reference – winning the 2020 elections – the Ukraine thing can only strengthen Trump’s support in certain sectors while not igniting the part of the democrat’s “base” (and even poor and working-class whites that might vote for Trump) that would be energized by a genuine struggle against racism, war and oppression, a genuine struggle for a society for the many, not to save the tiny few from Trump’s “embarrassing” behavior. If we are to be honest, that’s how many of the democratic party and other elites see Trump’s racism, as embarrassing behavior. They don’t see the growth of white supremacy as the existential threat that it is.

Instead they do things like trot out Fiona Hill, hardline Russophobe and Euro supremacist who believes Russians are mind-controlled by president Putin, and make her into a hero for branding the truth as fiction, for continuing to attack a Russia that would much rather have peace with a much more powerful nation.

They trot out racist, creepy, war-mongering Joe Biden and billionaire stop and frisk mass incarcerationist Bloomberg and make them out as “real” challengers to Trump. For those who don’t know, as well as being one of the chief architects of mass incarceration, Biden was the leader in Washington in the efforts to halt desegregation and bring the Civil Rights era to a close.

When it comes to what we really need and really need in a time of crisis, we must not expect anything from the establishment media and the democratic party bigwigs. We cannot even trust them to tell the truth.

Relying on Trump’s obvious and odious corruption as the bulwark of resistance to Trump is no solution to any of the problems we face, any of the problems that made Trump possible in the first place.

In order for us to unite and face off with the mounting crises of our time, we must be actors, not spectators to the two-faced shitshow in Washington.

Two party imperial rule will come to an end. Progressives and revolutionaries must continue to be unafraid to expose the democrats for the oppressors they are and help workers and oppressed people sweep them into the dustbin of history.